Presentation and Bust Sponsorship Applications

In Heptapolis, marble busts will be placed in the streets, squares, parks, which will be supported on marble pillars of height 1.20 m and width 40 x 30 cm.
The height of the bust will be 60-70 cm.


1. The Sponsor may order a bust as follows:

Ordering a bust of Socrates or Plato, or Aristotle or a great international personality of the last centuries such as Beethoven, or Wagner, or Einstein or other persons admired in private life by a prospective Sponsor.


2. The Sponsor may also order a bust of his/her own person.

In this case, the inscription on the tribute plaque of the bust will state that it is “Sponsor of the bust”.

Note: For the creation of a bust with the face of the Sponsor, 4 photographs are required.
A bust photo. A photo head anfas. A head profile photo. A head photo in rear view.».


The total cost of each sponsorship includes:

The cost of construction of the Art Project, Petras, or Plakas.

The cost of the construction of the pedestal supporting the Art Project with engraved inscription of the Sponsor’s data.

The packaging and transportation of the Art Project to the warehouse of the Municipality of Levadeon.

The transfer of the Art Project from the Municipality of Levades to HEPTAPOLIS.

The placement of the Art Project in the selected permanent installation site, including the technical and crane support of the project.

The installation of the Work of Art in the HEPTAPOLIS site, insured for the first 100 years, and its survival over the centuries in the site of the installation.

Rental coverage of the Art Project’s installation space for the first 100 years.

The preservation of the Art Project from the impacts of weather conditions or illegal human interventions, for the first 100 years.

The installation on the page at sublink “MARMARINE BIBLE OF SPONSORS-BENEFACTORS”, of the biography of the Sponsor up to 333 words, in two languages, one of which is chosen by the Sponsor.

The indefinite retention, with a minimum period of the first 100 years, of the Sponsor’s biographical texts on the website and the free promotion of the Sponsor’s website in any media of the Sponsor’s choice.

The above excludes cases of unforeseen weather conditions due to natural disasters caused by Climate Change.

Time of artistic production of the BUST: 6 – 8 months


Choose the bust you wish to sponsor
and find out about the cost of sponsorship and how to pay