In HEPTAPOLIS, in the streets, squares, parks, as well as in the North and South wings of the Lodges of the Gate of Light, on both sides of the Avenue of Benefactors, marble Emblematic Andriants, simple Andriants and Statues as well as various sculptural decorations will be placed.

The Emblematic Andriants, over 2 meters high, will be placed on decorated marble pedestals and in prominent positions inside and outside Heptapolis. The pedestal bases will bear the name of the Benefactor of the Emblematic Andriant, his/her status, city and country of residence, the year of his/her benefactor and the Andriants code.

The locations of the Emblematic Andriants have already been demarcated inside and outside the Heptapolis site.


The dimensions of the Emblematic Andriants, in length, width and height, vary and are described in detail on the page of each Emblematic Andriant.

Choose the Emblematic Andriant you wish to sponsor
and find out about the cost of sponsorship and how to pay